You're probably asking yourself, why would we create a page showing our customers how to beat our Cut 2 Win games? Well, we aren't. These are extremely difficult games, and below we will show you that it is absolutely possible to beat these games.
Our Thoughts
The Cut 2 Win games are one of the most difficult skill games that you will find in an arcade. These games require players to know exactly when to release the button so that the cutting mechanism stops right where it will cut the thread.
Having quick reflexes significantly increases your chance of winning on our Cut 2 Win games, but the string also take more than 1 attempt to cut. Be diligent when you see that the string is a little worn. You never know exactly when the string will be cut!
Finally, these games are some of the most expensive to play in the Clutch Effects Arcade. This is because these prizes are among the most expensive available in any arcade. Don't give up when you start getting close!
Playing these games multiple times will eat up your play credits quickly!

Sign Up and get 50 Play Credits!
Yes, it's that easy!
We use FIVESTARS as our loyalty program, and for notifying our best customers about the exclusive promotions which we will be running. Get 50 Arcade Play Credits when you first sign-up, and continue to get loyalty points every time that you come to the arcade and check in!

Birthday Play Credit Bonus
We're going to help make your birthday awesome by giving you $20 in Play Credits on your birthday!
- You get 235 Play Credits on your Birthday!
- You must provide some sort of proof that you are eligible for the Birthday promotion (ID Card, Birth Certificate, or Parent/Guardian Confirmation)
- You cannot be celebrating your birthday in our Party Area
Summer Break Day Bonus
Starting on June 12th all players get 10% More Play Credits from 11am to 3pm, Monday through Thursday!
- $20 gets you 259 Play Credits!
- $30 gets you 402 Play Credits!
- $40 gets you 550 Play Credits!

$50 Plus 4!
Our $50 Plus 4 Package gets you 650 Play Credits PLUS 4 Snack or Drink Items at the Arcade for only $50!
This package is great for small groups, people on dates, or players who want a little something before or, after, or while they're gaming!
Buy the $50 Plus 4 PackagePlay Credits Never Expire!
When you purchase our Play Credits, you can rest assured that they will never expire! It doesn't matter if they are purchased during Happy Hour, at a Birthday Party, or if its during one of our Holiday promotions. Your Play Credits remain yours forever!
View our Arcade Promotions, or stop by and we'll make the most of your time!

Game On!
Now that you know more about the Clutch Effects Arcade experience, Let's Play!
Clutch Effects Arcade at Viejas Outlet Center